What's Included

  • All Inclusive Pricing
  • First Class Hotels
  • Deluxe A/C Motor Coaches
  • Fuel Surcharges and Gov't Taxes
  • International Airfare
  • Entrance and Program Fees
  • Administrative Fee
  • Hotel Gratuities
  • Select Meals on Itinerary

Additional Baggage and Optional fees may apply.

Daily Itinerary

Day 1 April 28 - DEPART THE USA

Board your flight to Italy. Enjoy rest and meals onboard as you start your pilgrimage.


Arrive in Florence today and see the Piazza della Signoria with its Neptune Fountain and Vecchio Palace. Also, see, the Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral, which houses Michelangelo’s unfinished Pietá, the Baptistry, which features Ghiberti’s famous Gates of Paradise and the Academy, where you can view some of Michelangelo’s finished and unfinished works, including the awe-inspiring David. Check into your hotel in Siena for dinner and your overnight stay.


Traverse through the town of Sienna this morning and visit the city’s Romanesque, Gothic Cathedral. Enter the Sanctuary of St. Catherine of Sienna, which houses the crucifix from which she received her stigmata. Wander through the Piazza del Campo and see its architectural treasures. Continue your time in Sienna, viewing the incorrupt relics of St. Catherine of Sienna at the Basilica of St. Dominic. This afternoon enjoy a wine tasting and lunch at a vineyard on your way to Cascia and celebrate Mass while visiting the Monastery and the Shrine of St. Rita, one of the most popular Italian saints. The Basilica of St. Rita contains her incorrupt body and several relics from her life. Dinner and your overnight stay will be in Assisi. (B, D)

Day 4 May 1 - ASSISI

This morning, explore the Basilica of St. Francis. First, the upper Basilica, with Giotto’s frescoes representing the life of St. Francis, and then the lower Basilica and the Tomb of St. Francis. Mass will be celebrated in one of the chapels of this magnificent Basilica. In the afternoon, you have some time at leisure before you visit the Basilica of St. Clare and the Chapel of San Damiano, where St. Francis received his call to rebuild the Church and where St. Clare lived and died. Your last stop of the day is the Sanctuary of the Spoliation to see the tomb of Blessed Carlo Acutis in the Church of St. Mary Major. Dinner and your overnight stay are in Assisi. (B, D)


Celebrate Mass in Assisi. Depart for Loreto to see the Holy House of Nazareth, which was transported here from the Holy Land. In it, you can view the most reproduced Madonna in the world: the Black Madonna of Loreto. Depart for Manoppello to see the Holy Face of Jesus. When this incredible image on the Veil is laid over the image of the face on the Shroud of Turin, the two images match perfectly! A true treasure of our faith. Then, we’re on to Lanciano to see the Miracle of Lanciano, The Catholic Church’s first recorded Eucharistic Miracle. The Host of Flesh, which is still in one piece and has retained the dimensions of the original. The Eucharistic miracle is preserved in the second tabernacle found on the high altar in the Church of St. Francis. The host of Flesh is contained in a silver monstrance. Now changed to Blood, the wine is contained in a crystal chalice. Then we finish our day traveling to San Giovanni Rotondo, enjoying dinner and staying overnight at the hotel in San Giovanni. (B, D)

Day 6 May 3 - SAN GIOVANNI

Visit places associated with Padre Pio, including his tomb and cell, the old church where he received the stigmata, his confessional, and the new church of Santa Maria Delle Grazie. In the afternoon, see the Grotto of St. Michael the Archangel, and celebrate Mass. Dinner and your overnight stay are in San Giovanni. (B, D)


Say farewell to San Giovanni and travel to Mugnano to visit St. Philomena, and see her remains. After lunch on your own, depart for Pompeii to visit the Rosary Basilica and celebrate Mass. Enjoy a tour of the ancient volcanic ruins of Pompeii. Stay overnight in Pompeii. (B, D)


Depart this morning for Rome. Before arriving at your hotel, the coach will take you to St. Paul Outside the Walls for Holy Mass and a visit. Check into your hotel in Rome for dinner and your overnight stay. Enjoy time to explore Rome on your own. (B, D)

Day 9 May 6 - ROME

This morning, visit St. Peter’s Basilica and be amazed at the magnificence of the largest church in the world. Mass will be celebrated at one of the chapels inside St. Peter’s Basilica. Continue the Christian Rome tour with visits to the Basilica of Saint Mary Major and St. John Lateran, the Holy Stairs and the Holy Cross in Jerusalem to see the relics of the true cross and the sacred thorns. Dinner and overnight will be at your hotel in Rome. (B, D)


Today be Blessed by the Holy Father during the Papal Audience. Celebrate Mass and then enjoy a walk-through Piazza Navona to view the magnificent Four Rivers fountain by Bernini and then walk to the Pantheon. On this route, you also visit Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, the only true Gothic church in Rome, the Pantheon, and the Trevi Fountain. See the shrine dedicated to the Virgin of Revelation, the site of an apparition which, though not formally approved by the Church, was acknowledged by the Pope. In the afternoon, see the ancient ruins of the Coliseum (outside view), Piazza Venezia, and many other landmarks which you may have seen only in pictures. Dinner is on your own this evening. (B)

Day 11 May 8 - FREE DAY IN ROME

Explore the city on your own today. Shop, relax or even visit the Vatican Museum on your own (tickets may be purchased online separately). Tonight, we will all enjoy a farewell dinner at a traditional Italian restaurant where we can sing along with local music and savor home-cooked dishes and regional wine. Mass will be celebrated today. Stay overnight in Rome. (B, Special farewell dinner)

Day 12 May 9 - Return to the USA

After breakfast, transfer to the Rome airport for our flight home. (B)

Departure Dates

  1. Monday, April 28, 2025
    From $5698*
*A 3.5% surcharge will be added to all credit card transactions.
Tour: XI25 Code: B